Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spreading the word...

Would you print your own SEED DETROIT stickers if the artwork and templates were available online for free?

(Please post in the comments section below.)


  1. With a sweet graphic like that?! HECK YES!

  2. Hook me up with a Chicago-style sticker and I'm all over it!

  3. would you be interested in creating a police caution tape type banner that says instead "wildflower planting - do not mow" ? I'm worried that the seeds will not survive because the city and residents do tend to mow at least once a season

  4. That's a great idea!
    ....we experimented with taping off areas of exsiting wildflowers and they mowed around them...when we removed the tape the flowers were mowed soon after.

    Any ideas of locations where this would work well at?
