Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Have You Seeded Detroit?

Photo documentation will follow the containers throughout the city by tracking the numbers on the us watch the urban prairie grow by logging your number below.

Help us track the containers by posting the following information in the COMMENTS section of this posting.

Container Number:
Location of Seeding: (Cross Streets)
Name (optional):

(Copy & Paste this in the comments section and fill in info accordingly...thanks!)


  1. Container Number: 1
    Location of Seeding: Brush Street between Edmund and Alfred
    Name(optional): Seed Detroit

  2. Oooooh la! From my upstairs window I watched you guys post these today and was curious as to what y'all were up to. So when OTP (Oliver the Poodle) and I went for our evening walk, we checked it out. How fabulous!!

    Thanks so much helping us Seed the D.

    OTP and I seeded the Urban Prairie on the SW Corner of Edmund and John R. Bring on the Blooms!

    Thanks a lot!!
    Crystal Williams & OTP
